Families in Crisis Need Your Help Today.

With the world turned upside down in just a few weeks, I need to ask you for your support. Many of the myFace craniofacial families have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and are experiencing tremendous financial stress. Some have recently lost their jobs. Two-thirds of the families we

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2nd Annual myFace Talent Show Brings the House Down!

On Sunday, March 1st, myFace hosted its 2nd Annual Talent Show – this year at Merkin Concert Hall in NYC. This show, made possible in part by generous support from The Warner Fund, provided a wonderful opportunity for a dozen of our myFace Stars – all impacted by craniofacial challenges

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It’s a new world… and myFace is always here for you.

Only a few short weeks after taking on the role of Executive Director with myFace in January, we find ourselves faced with an unprecedented pandemic. Each day we ask ourselves, “Where is the good in all this? How do we cope? When will it end?” We are deeply grateful to

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Kyle's Story - Rare Disease Day

Kyle’s Story

As told by Betsy, Kyles’s Mom: “Our son has a rare condition (we don’t like to use the word “disease”) called Nablus Syndrome. It is a micro deletion of the chromosome at 8q22 and is characterized as a mask-like facial appearance along with other distinct malformations of the body. As

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Logan’s Story

As told by Leah, Logan’s Mom: “Logan as I named him was born with a bilateral cleft lip and aneterior palate. Ear pits. Anal stenosis. Oh and a very rare condition called microphthalmia / anophthalmia. This is the medical term for the absence of one or both eyes. Both the

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Cameron Underwood – Face Transplant Patient

NYU Langone Health patient and myFace Star, Cameron, had a face transplant in January, under the leadership of Dr. Eduardo D Rodriguez, MD, DDS. myFace supported Cameron throughout this journey by providing travel and housing for his many trips back and forth between CA and NYC and more than 150

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myFace Star: Gospel

Meet Gospel. Gospel is a beautiful, vibrant and determined  13-year-old – wise beyond her years. Her home is in Kingston, Jamaica, but she has spent the last couple of years in the US living with a host family so that she could undergo the special reconstructive surgeries she desperately needed

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