Nathaniel Newman and Jack

Patient Spotlight: Nathaniel

A decade! An entire decade has passed since Nathaniel joined us on February 7th, 2004. With no in utero diagnosis, Nathaniel’s birth was both a joyous moment and a moment of utter fear and panic. Born at a New York area hospital not quite equipped to handle what was later

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Patient Spotlight: Gabriel

Upon Gabriel’s birth, instead of an eruption of cheers as with their first two sons, Sandra and Freddy were met with silence. Finally, after a long pause, they were told that Gabriel had “a little something in his mouth and nose”—that little something was a complete bilateral cleft lip and

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myFace patient Nathaniel Newman and his family

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; – Romeo & Juliet (2.1. 43-44) Whether forced upon you by some required college coursework or if you’re a scholar of English Literature, we have all at some point in our life

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