Posada Delivers in Clutch

By: William Montgomery for Times Herald-Record NEWBURGH — A few hundred Yankees fans gathered at Orange County Choppers on Sunday to wait for an autograph and handshake from Jorge Posada. They brought bats and balls and posters. And it was all for a good cause. Posada was joined by his

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I am Ellie

By Ellie My name is Ellie, I’m 16 years old and I was born with a craniofacial syndrome called Pfeiffer Syndrome. Because of this, I’ve had multiple surgeries on my skull and face, I had a trach for 6 years and I’ve worn a hearing-aid my entire life. At exactly

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myFace patient Maggie Porcelli

What is Beauty? Ft. Margaret Porcelli

It’s easy to say that we don’t judge people by the physical barrier that we see, but most people have a hard time seeing past what is on the outside. It’s a shame that people are quick to judge based on the structure of one’s face, and the truth is

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myFace patient Ilya Karkover

What is Beauty? Ft. Ilya Karkover

At some point in my law school studies I decided I wanted to be a trial lawyer. More specifically, I wanted to be in front of juries arguing criminal cases. Like some of my television heroes from Law & Order, I relished the idea of passionately stating my case and

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myFace patient Jack Demeter

What is Beauty? Ft. Jack Demeter

The life accomplishment I am most proud of is being voted captain of the Lafayette College basketball team. Growing up it was always a dream of mine to play Division 1 basketball. I achieved that goal when I was accepted to Lafayette. Over my four years, through blood, sweat and

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myFace patient Margaret Shair

What is Beauty? Ft. Margaret Shair

My college years were both the most arduous and wonderful years of of my life. I spent an ac-cumulated eight weeks in the hospital the summer that I turned twenty, for the first series of reconstructive jaw surgeries. Almost everybody was telling me to take time off from college to

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Facing Forward with Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez

What journey led Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez to become the Director of the Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery and the Chief of the NYU Plastic Surgery Department? What road led to being a dentist, an oral surgeon, a micro-surgeon, a genius doing facial transplants? “I always liked the idea of being

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myFace patient Elijah

Elijah: A Memoir

My husband Nate and I feel like we are the luckiest parents in the world. A year ago, we found out that a birthmother had picked us to be the parents of a sweet little boy. We had just over three weeks to prepare for Elijah’s birth and to learn

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Little Miss Sunshine: Scarlett’s Story

We knew something was different about our daughter Scarlett almost immediately, but it was not until she was 3 months old that she was first diagnosed with right coronal craniosynostosis. In May 2005, she had her first surgery in Jacksonville, Florida and it was deemed successful. One lingering concern was

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myFace patient Kyle and his family

The O’Reillys

Kyle came into our lives 16 years ago on a beautiful, sunny day. Twelve hours later, at midnight, the doc-tors wheeled his incubator into my room so my husband and I could finally see him before they transported him via ambulance to the NICU @ NYU. I cried, thinking “he

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