Families in Crisis Need Your Help Today.

With the world turned upside down in just a few weeks, I need to ask you for your support.

Many of the myFace craniofacial families have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis and are experiencing tremendous financial stress. Some have recently lost their jobs. Two-thirds of the families we treat are low-income and don’t have anywhere to turn for help.

myFace is committed to doing all we can to provide modest financial relief to our families during this public health emergency.  This is why we created a limited-time, COVID-19 Gift Card Program for eligible myFace families.

Your gift today can help provide a family with a one-time $100 Amazon gift card and enable them to purchase groceries and basic household supplies that they may not otherwise be able to afford right now.

In the first week of this program, we reached out to 200+ families and have already provided electronic gift cards to more than 30. The impact of just a single gift card can be so great and their gratitude is immeasurable.

One mother of 3, whose child has been receiving care at the myFace Center wrote:


I want to thank myFace’s generous donors for such a beautiful gift. This Gift Card means so much to our family. Now we have the ability to purchase the most basic household supplies that otherwise wouldn’t be possible without this extra help.” – Laryssel, mother of Alonso


The need grows with every day that our families are out of work and must stay home.

Would you consider a donation at this time?

Your gift – of any amount – will have a direct and positive impact on the life of one of our myFace families.

While these recent events have upended all our lives, we want to make sure to continue to provide support for our craniofacial patients and families, especially those who are most vulnerable.

These families need our help. And we need yours.

Wishing you and your loved ones good health, strength and resilience,


P.S. I hope you’re staying healthy and safe. I know it is a challenging time for our country and the global community. However, it’s in times like these, we show our humanity by coming together to take care of those who need it most. If you’re able to help, please consider a gift to support a family in need now.

Download the myFace Parent Worksheet

Enter your email address below to receive your copy of our Parent Worksheet to help prepare for your child’s medical appointment.