Thank You For Bringing Alonso’s Smile To Life

Alonso is the youngest of a loving, close knit family of 5 who came to the US from the Dominican Republic in 2015 when he was just a baby. Born with Crouzon Syndrome, he was later diagnosed with Craniosynostosis – two craniofacial conditions that resulted in the bones of his face and skull not forming properly.

Knowing that the team at the myFace Center for Craniofacial Care would provide the best comprehensive care possible, Alonso’s mom, Laryssel, knew that his future would be bright and filled with hope. In his just six short years, he has already undergone 18 surgeries – and is awaiting more.

Alonso recently graduated from kindergarten, and the myFace team couldn’t be prouder of how far he has come.

As his mom says, “Alonso knows what he wants and he fights hard to get it.” myFace has made a promise to fight hard for Alonso and his wonderful family.  With your generous support, we can keep that promise.

myFace has been a salvation for our family, they have been with us every step of the way through Alonso’s care and treatment. We have met extraordinary people who have unconditionally loved Alonso – as well as all our children. With myFace, we never feel alone. There are no words that express how grateful we are that we have been accepted as members of this community. myFace makes our children matter. – Alonso’s Mother, Laryssel

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