Family Spotlight: Father’s Day Edition 2017

Father’s day to me is just another day to do what I can for my wife Stacy and my children. I have 2 girls, both with Treacher Collins syndrome, Bari is 13 and Hannah just turned 12. Bari spent several weeks in the NICU and had multiple Choanal Atresia surgeries to help her breath through her nose. She (and I were diagnosed with TCS) when Hannah was born. Hannah has had over 20 surgical procedures, broviac, fundoplication, G-tube, 3 jaw distractions, Choanal Atresia opening, eyelid flaps, rib graft/ eye socket implants, tongue suspension, and multiple dental extractions. Being a father to any child is special but to a special needs child its extra special, and 2 special needs children, well you can figure that one out!

I can reflect over the past 13 years of fatherhood things have been quite challenging. My concerns have changed from worrying about my kids failure to thrive to bullying and acceptance of their peers. All the clichés in the book can’t compare to real life. As my girls grew from infants to toddlers to kids to currently pre-teens I may not have always felt confident as a father but I was always confident in the care and support we received from the doctors at NYU and myFace.

On this Father’s day, I will wake up and be proud of my wife and children having been through so much with a new meaning and greater appreciation of the phrase ‘you have come a long way baby’

-Bruce Klein

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