Thank you for allowing myFace to be Naomi’s second family.

“When I think of myFace, the first words that come to mind are acceptance and community. No matter where you’re from, who you are or what craniofacial condition you have, you have a place with myFace!”

– Naomi

Twenty-one-year-old Naomi was born with Van Der Woude Syndrome, which resulted in her having a severe bilateral cleft lip and palate, as well as a lip pit in her lower lip. Because her cleft has affected how her ears sit, she is constantly getting new ear tubes.

Naomi is grateful that she has been a part of the myFace family throughout her journey, having undergone more than twenty surgeries to date with more to come once COVID conditions improve. From the nutrition/feeding therapy, social worker support, to the speech pathologists, visiting nurses and counseling all received through the myFace Newman Family Support Center, she has experienced it all.

“myFace has allowed me to connect with people who have gone through similar situations. Just being able to see people like me and talk about our unique struggles when it comes to having craniofacial conditions, has made all the difference in my life.”

Naomi’s passion in life is to promote confidence and healthy self-esteem for others just like her. She knows how hard it feels to be treated differently, to be told she isn’t good enough or to not have someone with shared experiences to look up to. Naomi never wants another child with a cleft or a craniofacial difference to feel that.

Naomi is a fierce advocate for teaching children compassion and empathy. She recognizes that if more people tried to understand one another rather than make assumptions, the world would be a much better place.

“myFace is my community. Although we’re all unique and have our distinct journeys, at myFace, people are able to come together over our shared experiences. It’s like having a second family!”

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