August 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm

Virtual Summer Series: The Courage to Be Kind

Live Broadcast: Tuesday, August 24
6 pm ET / 3 pm PT

Join us for myFace’s Virtual Summer SeriesThe Courage to Be Kind, to hear author Rena Rosen read excerpts from her book and then stay for the Live Audience Q&A.


Have you been at the grocery store and your child points at someone who looks different and asks loudly, “What’s wrong with that person?” or “Why does he need a wheelchair?” Your first reaction is usually to hush your child and apologize to the person or hope they didn’t notice. Telling a child to be quiet and not look can be shameful for both the child and the person with the difference. Instead of silencing our children and ignoring their curiosity, we should embrace uniqueness in a positive way.

In The Courage to Be Kind, authors Jenny Levin and Rena Rosen teach children and parents how to act and respond when they see someone who looks different. Learn with Sam and Ellie as they encounter and interact with several kids in different ways. Ellie is blunt and often offensive. Sam tries to find common ground with each person and provides an example of how to behave.

The dramatization of each difference includes photographs and a list of frequently asked questions so kids and parents can learn about various syndromes together. Through a series of scenarios, The Courage to Be Kind offers a tool to facilitate conversations about kindness and to teach with the art of compassion.


Rena is the proud Inclusion Coordinator for JCC Chicago, she has also been a preschool teacher with the JCC for the last 13 years! She is the coauthor of The Courage to Be Kind, and in her spare time she does everything she can to make her corner of the world a bit kinder, more accessible, and more inclusive! One of her newest initiatives has been creating a Facebook group called knit for a unique fit which connects individuals with limb differences to someone that can make unique gloves for their unique needs, anywhere in the world! Rena doesn’t sleep on the opportunity to choose kind!

2021/08/24 18:00:00

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