Emily is not your ordinary 24-year-old. In fact, she’s quite extraordinary.

Emily was born with a rare craniofacial condition called Síndrome de Apert causing her facial, skull bones and digits to fuse together too early in development. She’s had so many surgeries to date she doesn’t even remember all of them. Emily acknowledges her life has not been easy, dealing with all the obvious physical struggles and the many psychosocial and developmental challenges as a result of her condition. However, she feels they have made her tougher and stronger, and the spirited “warrior” she is today.

Emily has worked hard to get to where she is. She is currently studying at Nassau Community College earning her degree in Administrative Business Technology and works part-time at an agency that helps provide services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

For Emily, giving back is part of her core, and one of the reasons she has become an active part of myFace, especially through her participation in the Adult Support Group y myFace, myStory Broadcast Series, where she has a platform to share her voice, her story, and be an advocate for others like her.

Emily wants people to know that “no matter what kinds of obstacles life may throw at us, we must always remember to keep moving forward y never give up on something that we really want to see ourselves accomplish.”

Bravo, all you fight for. You are an inspiration to us all!

“What I mostly admire about being a part of myFace is getting the opportunity to be an advocate for others like me by sharing my story and letting them know it’s okay to embrace your differences. Because what you think about yourself is more important than what a stranger walking on the other side of the street thinks of you.”

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