agosto 10, 2021 at 6:00 pm

Virtual Summer Series: Simon and the Bully

In this broadcast of myFace’s Virtual Summer Series Simon and the Bully, hear author Patricia Simon read her book and then answer questions in the Audience Q&A.


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Simon has a big problem and he doesn’t know what to do!

The new backyard bully is mean to the other birds and tells Simon he has a funny face. Simon’s family calls the scar on his beak his, “badge of courage,” but now he’s not so sure. What if being different is bad? What should Simon believe, and more importantly, how should he respond to his bully?

In this third installment in the Simon Series, author Patricia Simon teaches children how to respond to bullying through her wonderfully illustrated picture book that demonstrates how kindness can lead to acceptance, and that there is so much beauty to be found in our differences. She wants children to understand that even though “Unkind words hurt, and to be left out hurts… To be different is to be special, because our differences make us who we are.”


Patricia was born with a cleft lip and palate. Patricia is a registered nurse, member of Children’s Craniofacial Assocation (CCA) Kids Speakers’ Bureau, Board Member of CCA, member of Smile Train Cleft Community Advisory Council, Born a Hearo, Tour of Kindness and myFace. She is a patient advocate for those born with craniofacial differences. Patricia is an author of Smile with Simon books which were written for children born with craniofacial differences and reiterate the positive messages of acceptance and kindness. Patricia also created, which contains resources for the craniofacial community.

2021/08/10 18:00:00

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